Excellent tips & care from your emergency dentist in Calgary

Mar 29, 2019

Dental emergencies can cause havoc on the person going through them and the people around him/her. Hence, the experts at Image Dental are here to provide you a brief demonstration on what constitutes a dental emergency and how to react in one.

What are the most common dental emergencies?

First and foremost – it is important to understand, what are the most common types of dental emergencies. Usually, in a dental emergency, people get hit unexpectedly someway or end up damaging their teeth in such a way that there is either swelling or blood or broken tooth or all the three together.

Some of the more common dental emergencies would include problems like getting hit in a way that you chip off your tooth or meeting with an accident such that you end up damaging your dental crown or if your veneers get stuck in a rather complex way.

What’s the most important thing to remember during a dental emergency?

A few extremely crucial things to remember during a dental emergency are:

a. You have to remember that you are not a dental expert. Hence, do not try to perform the duties of one. If there is bleeding, try to stop it using a cotton and some lukewarm water. Yet, try to rush the patient to the dentist as fast as possible.

b. Most of the dental emergencies such as a tooth getting chipped or broken are not lethal in nature. Hence, even if you see blood, you can be sure to a certain degree that this is not a lethal wound and thus is controllable.

c. Perceived permanent loss of tooth and the sight of blood are usually more panic inducing, than the actual wound themselves. Hence, by all means, calm down the patient and make sure she/he is not panicking.

How do i handle a common dental emergency before I make it to your office?

Calm the patient down, try to stop the bleeding with cotton and if you have any painkillers with you and the pain is incessantly growing, use them. There is not much you should try to do beyond these.

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