When there is a vacant space inside your mouth because of missing teeth, getting dentures are the perfect solution. There could be many causes for tooth loss. Aging is one of the prominent causes. In dentistry, you will find a replacement for one tooth to a whole set of teeth. Dentures will give you the confidence to smile after losing all your natural teeth. Read below our detailed guide about dentures - types, process, and more.
When it comes to dentures, they can bring back your lost smile. The dentures procedure takes multiple steps. These include:
It is a first step that involves the full examination of the mouth to determine complete oral or dental health. In this phase, the expert takes X-rays to frame the next step. Here your dentist will dig out all the initial steps necessary to move forward. It is the phase where you can discuss your doubts and concerns with your dentist.
Tooth pulling is the second step. In plenty of cases, when natural teeth require extraction to place dentures, it could be a bit painful. Many people can't handle it on the same day. If there are many teeth for extraction, it may take many sittings. If patients don't have teeth, they can directly jump to the next step.
After extraction, the next step is taking impressions so that your dentures take a perfect shape. Today, dental technology has become so advanced that dentists can scan your full mouth to make an impression.
It is necessary to try a mock-up inside your mouth. Mock-up is the immediate step after making an impression. It will make your dentist determine what changes are required. He/she will resolve all your fitting issues. This step is necessary to make perfect fit dentures for you. After completing the mock-up, the dentures will return to the laboratory to make final changes with instructions.
After all, the professional does the shaping of your dentures. Now here comes the final step, which is the placement of dentures.
Dentures have many types. These include:
If a patient has a complete set of teeth loss, the professional places types of dentures. People usually get them placed after 8-12 weeks of teeth extraction. Having a denture Calgary SW is quite pocket friendly.
Patients still having natural teeth inside their mouths require partial dentures. This type of denture prevents other remaining teeth from moving. The best part about partial dentures is that they are removable.
Customizable dentures are a bit expensive and look more natural. After their placement, you get a more real and natural smile.
They can be placed immediately inside your mouth on the same day extraction takes place. It only happens when your oral health is up to the mark. Immediate dentures are ideal for those that are very busy in their lives.
They are permanent with a strong foundation, look natural, and strongly support dentures. When it comes to their durability, they could be there inside your mouth for life long. The only condition is to pay proper care and attention to them.
This placement of denture is a perfect fit for those who don't have any teeth left inside their mouth but still have enough bone to hold implants. The beauty of this kind of dentures is their convenient and removable nature.
Sometimes, patients don't have any teeth on their upper jaw. In such a situation, upper jaw dentures are the perfect solution.
There are numerous types of dentures available. The right choice in dentures completely depends on an individual's needs and requirements. A professional dentist in Calgary SW can assist you in a more convenient way to choose the right fit on dentures for you.
Dentures are a highly effective and convenient way to fill vacant spaces inside your mouth. Choose an authentic and professional place to get it done inside your mouth like Image Dental. Get in touch with the dental expert at our office today.