How to Reverse Gingivitis

How to Reverse Gingivitis: Win the Fight Against Gum Disease

May 02, 2023
Approximately 42.7 percent of people over 30 have gum disease in some form. However, people may be happy to know gingivitis, the earliest stage of gum disease, is comfortably curable by practicing good oral hygiene and scheduling regular appointments with the Calgary dentist SW for routine dental cleanings. While no quick fix exists for healthy gums, you can develop the habits that will protect your oral health in the long run. This article discusses how to reverse gingivitis if you have developed the condition to halt its progress and prevent multiple complications from affecting your dental, general, and financial health. Kindly read to safeguard yourself.

The Significance of Good Oral Hygiene in Preventing Gingivitis

Good oral hygiene is about displaying sparkling teeth and a beautiful smile and preventing dental infections that affect you without warning. The primary goal of good oral hygiene is to eliminate dental plaque constantly forming on your teeth after eating to harden into tartar unless removed by brushing and flossing. Dental plaque deposits acids on your teeth after feasting on the food particles in your mouth and hardens into tartar on your teeth and beneath the gum line. Dental plaque and hardened tartar, besides making you susceptible to gum disease, also encourage cavities to develop on your teeth to need restorations from dentists. Good oral hygiene includes regular dental visits for exams and professional feelings when they remove dental plaque and hardened tartar on your teeth and beneath the gum line to ensure you don't develop gum disease. The dentist also examines your mouth, looking for signs of infections to suggest immediate remedies before they aggravate.

How to Reverse Gingivitis?

If you intend to reverse gingivitis, you must schedule visits to your dentist for dental plaque and tartar removal to allow your gums to recover. In addition, for optimal results, you must adhere to your dentist's advice to brush your teeth twice daily using a soft-bristled toothbrush using a technique to clean all sides of your teeth. Brushing when starting the day and going to bed at eight is essential because it helps eliminate plaque from your mouth to prevent your teeth from attacks by them when you sleep. Your toothbrush cannot reach every nook and corner of your mouth, and dental plaque loves to hide between teeth. Flossing around all your teeth helps reduce the bacteria in your mouth and prevents them from attacking your gums to irritate and inflame them, causing gingivitis. You can include a fluoride mouth rinse because it helps kill the bacteria in your mouth. Gingivitis often causes other infections like cavities, but fluoride mouth rinse strengthens tooth enamel to make your teeth resistant to acid attacks. You must also avoid sugary foods and drinks because your mouth bacteria has a sweet tooth and enjoys eating the leftover particles in your mouth. Therefore you must limit the consumption of sugary foods and beverages, including sports drinks, dried fruits, and caramel. In short, you should not eat anything that will cover your teeth and gums in sugar. Finally, reversing gingivitis is practically impossible when you skip dental appointments for plaque and tartar removal. Hardened tartar is challenging to remove by brushing and flossing, making professional cleaning an essential requirement. Therefore you must visit your dentist every six months to get them to examine your mouth, take x-rays and perform other tests to determine whether infections affect you.

Natural Remedies for Gingivitis: Using Home Remedies

Natural remedies are effective and cheap to treat gingivitis. If you start treatment early when you notice the symptoms of irritated gums, changes in gum colour, bleeding when brushing and flossing and recognize the signs of gingivitis, you can start natural remedies from home using saltwater rinses, mouthwash options recommended by dentists, oil pulling, turmeric, et cetera. However, you must ensure the ingredients are fresh by purchasing high-quality products without investing in low-cost remedies.

Professional Treatment Options for Gingivitis: What Can Your Dentist Do?

The sooner you treat gingivitis by visiting your dentist, the better your chances of quickly and thoroughly recovering from the condition. Unfortunately, if you leave the infection untreated, it can progress into periodontitis, causing severe damage to your teeth and jawbone. In such cases, professional cleaning is insufficient for eliminating the hardened tartar and needs other procedures offered by the dentist as periodontal gum disease treatment in Calgary, as a therapy for your condition. Periodontal disease treatment includes procedures like scaling and root planing, besides other processes like periodontal gum surgery, bone grafting and more frequent appointments with your dentist than earlier. In severe cases, you may even need surgery to heal your gums. Gingivitis is a preventable condition you can comfortably avoid by maintaining excellent dental hygiene as recommended earlier and getting six monthly dental exams and cleanings before your gums become infected. Unfortunately, if you already have the disease, Image Dental provides appropriate treatment with advice on preventing reinfection by mouth bacteria. However, you must contact them immediately to receive treatment for an illness that gradually progresses into severe periodontitis with no cure if left untreated.
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